Hello, and welcome to my website!
Selecting a speaker for your conference, seminar, or retreat is an important decision. You need to be clear about your expectations, goals, and the desired outcome for your participants. Do you want to inspire them? Do you want to educate them? Do you want to make the event memorable and fun? If so, you have come to the right place.
With experience as a professional actor, I add a creative, fresh and fun dimension to my presentations. I have been speaking professionally since 1980, and am a former president of the National Speakers Association of Northern California. I have spoken for groups as small as 50 and as large as 2,000. All this experience is reflected in the outstanding evaluations I continue to receive from the people I serve.
For your convenience we’ve listed my presentations by type of organization: Education, Business, Christian, and Non-Profit.
(If you were referred to this website and are looking for the lady who wears two different colored shoes when she speaks, and passes out inspiration chips, you have found her!)