Education Clients
What People Are Saying about Arlene . . .
I’m currently in that “dark tunnel” you mentioned, and until your presentation my bowl of chips was quite empty. I’ve stapled your “12 Ways” sheet to the inside cover of my plan book so that I might read it daily.
An Anonymous listener
Arlene provided a refreshing detour from the realm of rubrics, multiple measures, testing and API scores as she took us on a journey exploring the fragile human spirit of a child. Her poignant vignettes brought tears and laughter as she emphasized the valuable position each teacher holds in the life of a child.
Laurel Leidner, Teacher, Letters to the Editor Column – Mountain News, Lake Arrowhead, CA
…I appreciated your interest in Job Corps and how well you researched your presentation by visiting a Center. That was terrific? Your generosity and willingness to participate wholeheartedly in the process sent a real message to me.
Claudia Schuster, Program Manager, US Department of Labor/Job Corp
I was privileged to watch Arlene speak before the toughest group of all. Her own colleagues, administrators who have seen it all and heard it all from everyone including Arlene.
What is that story about not being a prophet in your own town. Arlene exploded that myth. They all agreed it was the best start of the year speaker we had in the twelve years we’ve had speakers and we had the most inspirational school start in my 37 years in education.
Sharon Belshaw-Jones, Former Superintendent – Fremont Unified School District
It was a pleasure to meet you, work with you, and be inspired by you.
Tori Burdick, Vice President of Programs, San Joaquin Association of Educational Office Professionals
If you are looking for a dynamic, articulate, energetic, and upbeat speaker for an in-service, staff development, or conference, Arlene is definitely worth considering. If you want a message that will outlast the moment when people leave the session, Arlene will deliver that.
Donna Henderson, Staff Development Coordinator – Central County Occupational Center, San Jose, CA
Your illustration about "chips" hit home with everyone-what a great way to point out the value of reaching out and sharing yourself with others.
Joelle Orrock, Project Coordinator – Friday Night Live
Other Clients:
- Athens, International Self-Esteem Conference, Greece
- Alameda County Libraries
- Alameda County Office of Education
- Antioch Unified School District
- Asilomar Regional Reading Conference
- Association of California School Administrators
- Azusa Unified School District
- Bakersfield City School District
- Bellflower Unified School District
- Benicia Unified School District
- Brentwood Union School District
- British Columbia Primary Teacher Conference
- Bryon Unified School District
- BTSA (Beginning Teacher’s) Annual Colloquium
- California Department of Education
- California League of Middle School
- California State University
- CAROCP (California Association of Regional
- Occupation Center and Programs)
- Campbell River School District, British Columbia
- Caruthers Unified School District
- CASS/Alberta Education Conference, Edmonton, Canada.
- Castro Valley Unified School District
- Central County Occupational Center
- Central Okanagan Teachers’ Association, Kelowna,
- Chapman University
- Coalinga-Huron Unified School District
- Confederation of Oregon School Administrators
- Crystal Cathedral Academy
- Delta Kappa Gamma Society International
- El Dorado County Schools
- Emmanuel Lutheran School Maui, Hawaii
- Esparto Unified School District
- Fall River Join Unified School District
- Fontana Unified School District
- Fremont Unified School District
- Fresno Unified School District
- Gilroy Unified School District
- Hawaii State Department of Education
- Hayward Unified School District
- Head start
- International Council for Self-Esteem
- Knightsen School District
- La Mesa-Spring Valley School District Loma Prieta Joint Union School
- Los Angeles Unified School District
- Los Gatos Union School District
- Menlo Park City School Disticit
- Merced City School District
- Milbrae School District
- Milpitas Christian Schools
- Milpitas Unified School District
- Mt. Diablo School District
- Murrieta Valley School District
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- National High School Association
- New Heaven Unified School District
- Oakdale union elementary school district
- Oakland Unified School District
- Orinda Union School District
- Pleasanton Joint School District
- Rim of the World Unified School District
- Rocklin Unified School District
- San Benito County of Education
- San Diego County
- San Joaquin County
- San Jose Unified School District
- San Leandro Unified School District
- San Ramon Unified School District
- San Salvador, Escuela Cristiana Para Sordos, El Salvador
- Santa Clara County Office
- Santa Ana Unified School District
- School Life-West Palm Beach Florida
- Shasta County Office of Education
- Slauson Middle School
- Sierra-Plumas Joint Unified, District
- Steinbeck Middle School
- Tulare County Office of Education
- Taylor Middle School
- Union School District
- University of Phoenix
- University of San Diego
- US Department of Labor/Job Corps-Western Region
- Vacaville Christian Schools
- Ventura Unified School District
- Victor Valley Union School District
- Villa Duchesne/Oak Hill School, Missouri
- Washington Unified School District