Remembering Magic
Posted on June 16th, 2009 3 commentsMagic, My Beloved Peruvian Paso, May 28, 1986 – June 24, 2008
Throughout my life, I have said the final goodbye to family and friends. Sometimes it was expected and other times a shock. Death is never easy, at least it hasn’t been easy for me, to say that final good bye. June 24, marks a year anniversary of saying goodbye to Magic, my beloved Peruvian Paso horse.
The story behind Magic is an interesting one. At age 47, I became an equestrian. Before that I had never leased or owned a horse. I had only rented them at stables during vacation. The experience had been pleasurable, but I had no concept of how to groom, saddle, or take care of such a huge animal.
When I turned 51, Magic came into my life. My husband picked her out and she was his horse until I intervened. At first she intimidated me. I was afraid of her because she was so big. My trainer, Laurel Papadapalos, said, “Arlene, you were an award-winning educator. You know how to work with junior high kids successfully. So when she gets a little stubborn and wants her way, talk to her like you would talk to those junior high students. Let her know you are in charge! Ask her firmly.”
That was all it took. After that there was no turning back. Magic was devoted to me. She was mine!
Magic and I had many adventures together. We rode in cattle drives, parades, and trail rides. She would calmly walk into the trailer and back out, trusting me in my direction. Magic could open gates with me riding her so I didn’t have to get off and on. She also passed the test to be a member of the team for Search and Rescue, as well as the County Volunteer Park Patrol. She was gentle, sure-footed, and took care of those who were privileged to ride her.
Magic and I went through a lot together and I was never afraid of Magic. In fact, one time she saved my life, but that is another story. When she was 14, she had major surgery. During the healing process, I washed out her wound five times a day. It had to be uncomfortable because it was in a sensitive area, yet she didn’t finch, become irritated, nor try to escape the routine.
And Magic had the most beautiful big brown eyes. Joy, one of my trainers, often said, “Magic never looks at any others the way she looks at you.” Magic was pure love!
Regrets, yes, I have a few. I suppose the same ones I would have with a human loss. I wished I had ridden her more. I wished I had spent more time with her. I wished I had shown her more love. And I wished I had given her more horse cookies and carrots.
I miss you Magic! Thank you for thirteen wonderful years! And thank you God for helping me through this loss and the wonderful surprise you had for me the day after Magic’s passing, and that’s even another story.
3 responses to “Remembering Magic”
I would love to hear more about your beloved Magic, very touching.
Little Sis June 18th, 2009 at 11:13
I honestly have tears in my eyes…. Sometimes I wonder…will I have enough times on the trails myself, enjoying my dear friends and trusted steeds?
We all know that time is short, so just a reminder…
Go Outside and Play!
And may we have many more happy trails together!
Mollina Holly June 16th, 2009 at 15:22