Non-Profit Clients
What People Are Saying about Arlene . . .
Not only did Dr. Kaiser connect with her audience almost immediately, but managed to hold their attention through her 45-minute presentation. It is my privilege and pleasure to recommend Dr. Arlene Kaiser as a keynote speaker for both secular and non-secular audiences. She has the unique ability to frame her presentation to “fit” the objectives of the sponsoring organization, and offers relevant and timely material.
Carl R. Johnson, President – Kitsap Outreach, Inc.
Some of the student evaluations for the question “What really made an impact on me…” included “the keynote speaker”, the lecture on risk taking”, “all the fun and Dr. Kaiser”, “don’t be afraid to be different or unique” and “to learn that you should have a lot of chips.”
Joelle Orrock, Project Coordinator, Friday Night Live – Alcohol and Drug Programs
After reading all the comments from the Delta Kappa Gamma Conference, I wanted to pass these along to you. They were overwhelmingly positive. You connected with our hearts.
Jody Howland, Area III Director – Delta Kappa Gamma
All over Westminster, I’m seeing chips in wallets and on desks. And people are still talking about your presentation.
Barbara Eames, Chairman – Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast, City of Westminster, CA
The response to your presentation was overwhelmingly positive. “Made me feel valuable. Good anecdotal humor” “Wow! What an inspiration to parents and volunteers! She made me realize that the small piece I do is valuable.”
Mari Gonzáles, Program Director – Center for Human Development
Other Clients:
- Bay Area Speakers Services
- Center for Human Development
- Central California Women’s Conference
- Delta Kappa Gamma Society International
- East Bay Mothers of Twins Club
- Fremont Parents’ Nursery School
- Friday Night Live Partnership
- Headstart
- HOBY (Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership)
- Indian Business & Professional Women
- International Council for Self-Esteem
- Kiwanis International
- Lions Club
- MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers)
- National Speakers Association of Northern California
- National Singles Conference
- Prayer Breakfast Network
- Rotary International
- School Life-West Palm Beach Florida
- Soroptimist International
- Stressbusters for Mothers
- Washington, D.C., WAVE
- YMCA of Snohomish County